Maxine’s Campaign

June 1 to June 30, 2023 | Port Moody

Raising funds for accessible, proven help with anxiety.

$3,445.00 dollars

$500.00 goal

About Maxine Giannelli

Fundraising for action anxiety day

Here is my small story and some of my experiences that enable me to empathize with those who live with anxiety daily. My sharing is about starting and hopefully continuing the conversation.


I remember from as early as 3 years old, having panic reactions to things like dancing at tiny tutus and wetting myself in the corner of the room because I was too scared to get up in front of everyone. Or going completely red in the face, shaking and freezing when I was called to read or present in front of the class. I recall asking my grade 11 English teacher if she would please not ask me to read out loud. She was so wonderful, and said as long as I was ready and following along she wouldn't call on me. It's moments like that, where I encountered an individual who understood me and empathized, that meant so much to me.


Later in life, low and behold my distress tolerance was tested several times as a newly married woman, owning my own business at the time and pregnant with my first child. My symptoms of anxiety developed into panic attacks, heart palpitations and uncontrolled vomiting. The doctor told me to do yoga, and have more fun. I tried those things, and they helped...a bit. Then I found Anxiety Canada and used a free resource called MAPs (My Anxiety Plan). It was eye-opening. I finally understood what was happening to me, that it was normal AND that I would be okay. Knowledge and awareness helped me so much, and put me on the path to treating my anxiety, rather than avoiding it. I have since used their resources and app for my kids and shared them with friends. I am a firm believer that mental health resources should be accessible for all, and that is why I am raising awareness and funds for Action Anxiety Day. Not everyone can afford therapy, but arm them with the knowledge and tools they need, and you can change their life. Please consider making a donation to empower the work Anxiety Canada does.


6 Donation (s)





